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Friday, December 16, 2005

Wow! 15 Richest Fictional characters!

Wow, now Forbes puts out the 15 Richest Fictional characters.

No, I feel like shit even fictional characters are better off then myself.

"But given the legion of publicity men and image handlers surrounding the typical real-life billionaires, understanding these fictitious characters is as close as most of us will come to grasping the minds of the very rich. "

that to me is say hey you are to poor and stupid to really understand the rich so here is some fictional
characters to look up to.

Rank Name Net Worth
1. Santa Claus $ ∞
2. Richie Rich 24.7 billion
3. Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks 10 billion
4. Scrooge McDuck 8.2 billion
5. Thurston Howell III 8 billion
6. Willie Wonka 8 billion
7. Bruce Wayne 6.3 billion
8. Lex Luthor 4.7 billion
9. J.R. Ewing 2.8 billion
10. Auric Goldfinger 1.2 billion
11. C. Montgomery Burns 1 billion
12. Charles Foster Kane 1 billion
13. Cruella De Vil 875 million
14. Gordon Gekko 650 million
15. Jay Gatsby 600 million

Thursday, December 15, 2005


See there is a reason why some people would need the pills due to lack of sleep. And that is due to Cost of living. At least in this area, you need 2 or 3 incomes just to get buy. Due to Prices of food, Gas, Taxes, Cost of a car, And the Cost to buy a house. Where I work at poeple have apartments that cost 2,000 a month. And Townhouses that cost 300,000 to 400,000 starting out. How in the world could anyone going to college or comming out of High School adford that. Now where I live prices are a little better but that themselves are goin up as well.

See we need to start raising Hell about the prices or they will never hear us. All they see is everyone is paying their bills and a few at not doing it on time. But what they don't see is how people struggle just to get buy. And how they many have 2 or 3 imcomes to adford that home. And how no matter what we still buy the high price gas. Yet, they do not see or sometimes care that we need the gas no matter what to get to and from work to pay for our over priced home and over priced car.

Sometime we are going to have to hit a cap. and people just wont be able to adford to move out of their parent's home. And so you will have kids living and growing with there parents and not expand and created new lives for themselves.

A Quote about Ephedra (Ma Haung)

Ephedra (Ma Haung) - is an herb used to assist people with azma for their breathing. The Diet/Engery pill makers started putting it in their pills to give you an Extra Boost. Yellow Jacket were a popular one that you could buy at most gas stations. Which had 25mg of Ephedra mixed with 300-400mg of caffeine. And with people take more then what their bodies could handle and not drinking enough water. They would pass out and with a rapid heart rate a few died. Due to an unknown heart conduction. Also basicly they OD on them. In Jan. of 2005 they made the Herb Ephedra illegel. Which in turn made those who do not adbuse the pills upset due to you will always have drug that some people will die from if you OD. Just about any pill (over the counter drug/preception drug/herb) there is alway a chance you could die if you take to many. But here is a Quote from someone who took it to get to work/college/home.


Thanks a lot you stupid bastards who got ephedra banned. If you are too stupid to read the directions on the back of the bottle you are obviously too damn stupid to be taking ephedra in the first place. What kind of a dumb bastard takes THREE YELLOW JACKETS. These things are meant for people who need them to stay awake or an energy boost for peaple that are physically active, NOT for some of YOU STUPID IDIOTS who take 75mg of ephedra mixed with 900mg of caffeine just because you like the rush. If I die in a car accident on the way to college from work because I got no sleep the day before and now have no ephedra to keep me awake IT'S YOUR FAULT FOR GETTING IT BANNED!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Monday, December 05, 2005

Friday, December 02, 2005

New Engery Drinks!!

Bush gets jury duty call, says he is busy

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush had to explain that he was a little busy running the United States when he got called for jury duty.

Bush never received the summons to appear at a court in Crawford, Texas, for jury duty on Monday and the White House learned about it through media reports, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said on Thursday.

"We have since called the court to inform them that the president has other commitments on Monday, and that he would like to reschedule his jury duty," McClellan said.

Last week, the man Bush beat to get re-elected last year, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, served as foreman on a jury for two days at a civil case in Boston.

Bush, whose ranch is in Crawford, is scheduled to give a speech in North Carolina on Monday.

"One serious note: jury duty is an important civic responsibility. And it's important that people do serve," McClellan said

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Urban Dictionary: Word Of The DAY!

Baby!!! at 12-13 weeks

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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Monday, November 28, 2005

Make sure the Kids are in BED first!

For his birthday, little Johnny asked for a 10-speed bicycle.

His father said, "Son, we'd give you one, but the mortgage on this house is $80,000 and your mother just lost her job. There's no way we can afford it."

The next day the father saw little Johnny heading out the front door with a suitcase.

So he asked, "Son, where are you going?"

Little Johnny told him, "I was walking past your room last night and I heard you telling mom you were pulling out. Then I heard her tell you to wait because she was coming too.

And I'll be damned if I'm staying here by myself with an $80,000 mortgage and no bike!"

A joke for those 56 million to enjoy!

George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld are flying on Air Force One. The President looks at the Vice President, chuckles and says, "You know, I could throw a $1,000 bill out the window right now and make somebody very happy."

The Vice President shrugs and says, "Well, I could throw ten $100 bills out the window and make 10 people very happy."

Not to be out done, the Secretary of Defense says, "Of course then, I could throw one-hundred $10 bills out the window and make a hundred people very happy."

The pilot rolls his eyes and says to his co-pilot, "Such big shots back there... hell, I could throw all of them out the window and make 56 million people happy.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Time for a SMILE!!!!








Monday, November 21, 2005

Cell Phone Bank Robber!!!!

In the most recent heist, the woman, with sunglasses casually pushed up on her dark hair and a mobile phone at her ear, walked up to a bank teller in Ashburn, Virginia, on November 4 and opened her purse to show a handgun and a note demanding cash, said Loudoun County sheriff's spokesman Kraig Troxell.

"During the entire sequence, she was on her cell phone," Troxell said by telephone. "When we compared it with other robberies that have occurred in the area, we determined she was involved in three other robberies. ... In those cases, she was also on the cell phone."

The four jurisdictions -- Loudoun County, Prince William County, Fairfax County and the city of Vienna, Virginia -- are working together to track the suspect, circulating surveillance video to local media.

No one was injured in the robberies, and the amount taken was not disclosed. Troxell said it was unclear what role the cell phone may have played in the case.

"With the use of the cell phone, was she just trying to act nonchalant, not drawing any attention to herself? Was there anyone even on the other line? Was there an accomplice? Was she just talking to someone on the phone who may not have been aware of what she was doing, just to help her through the crime?"

Troxell said there might have been an accomplice waiting outside, or "it could be ... she was just doing it to make herself look like anybody else."
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Monday, November 14, 2005

Voltron! Got Served!!!!Voltron! Got Served!!!!

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Thursday, November 10, 2005


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Only 19 buck at wal-mart... HELLS YEAH!!!! I am GETTING IT

Bad luck!!!!

A woman's husband had been slipping in and out of a coma for several months, yet she had stayed by his bedside every single day. One day, he motioned for her to come nearer.

As she sat by him, he whispered, eyes full of tears, "You know what? You have been with me all through the bad times.

When I got fired, you were there to support me. When my business failed, you were there. When I got shot, you were by my side. When we lost the house, you stayed right here. When my health started failing, you were still by my side...You know what?"

"What dear?" she gently asked, smiling as her heart began to fill with warmth.

"I think you're bad luck, get the f*** away from me.


Look we live in a world were a President can lie to his people and the people not think anything of it.

Like how they CLAIM that we went to war with IRAQ cause of that Weapons of Mass Distruction. But now we are there cause they HATE us and are mean to their people.

MAYBE they have a reason to hate USA. and what could that reason be? Would don't we find out why people hate instead of forcing our culture and believes on others. Maybe that is the reason they do not like us and this war is just going to make more Enemies.

But yet when been over there for a while now and not once have we found any. Maybe they have them but are hinding them really really well...

But who are we to judge who has WMD's when in fact we have the 2 most in the world of Nukes.

As we are going to spend billions of dollars on a new nuke bunker buster for Terrorist. But yet we can tell another country that they are NOT ALLOWED to use nuke power for engery.

And we did the USA go in to IRAQ with out the UN support. The UN was made up to Police the world NOT the USA.

******OK I am done for now. Not fired up anymore about this topic (at this point in time). Now it is time to get back to work.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005





ubring me the to your sugar master...... heheheheheh

now it time to ROCK AND OR ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, November 07, 2005


February 22, 2026: Michael leaves Jennifer after being abducted by aliens So Jennifer always figured they were from another planet

45%: Too many regrets - sounds crappy. Michael could use a shower once in a while. A chance of success - a small chance.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

David Banner- PlayDavid Banner- Play

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I NeverI Never

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over the years!!

Over the years, I have had many hopes dreams.

But yet I never have stood up for one thing and see it complete.

Like I wanted to be a, Video Game Designer, Movie Director, Writer, Music producer, Home Designer, Thearpy, and here recent I been getting into Polical and History. and also I like to talk about Reglion, I don't know why since I am not really a fan of it. but I love to debate about it.

I need to find something I am really passionate about and fight for it. And only it.

Instead of always ranting rambling.

I need GOALS I need a life for my child to grow into where I can support "it" and take care of the baby. but still advance my life to help those who need it and those how I can help.

I know in life I have strong Ideas on Reglion, History, Polical, and I want to help people. Its as if I need to help people. And I know I can bethere for people mentally. And the movie, writer, and music Ideas was the to show people my thoughts and Ideas and how to create new. And the Designer Idea is me wanting to help people, and to get my creativity out there. The computers (video game), again to create and to show off new Ideas. The History is there, I think cause I sleeped in History class to much, but really it is cause I want to know my country past our laws with brings me to a polical office which is where I could change and advance the area I am in and be creative. The reglion is just that. cause I am curious on how our people see relgion. Cause I am Agnostic (means open to new Ideas about relgion). I am not set in stone for one thing or the other, which I feel that allows me to grow and advance to new creativity.

Its like looking on the outside of the box.

I am and always have been a VERY OPEN MINDED PERSON, about everything.

I feel I need something in my life to express that.

Open Minded is great you have a clear mind for any and everything.



Looks like I am going through a Strang faze. I am reading the

Constitution of the United States

Pretty interesting stuff!!!!

The people's Vote really does not effect the President election. Only the Electoral vote counts (Senator and House of Reps.).

But the people vote for the Senator and the House of Reps. And they in turn vote for the public interest. but they do not need to vote in the way of the public.

The public vote only comes down if their is a tie breaker.

So vote for the senator and House of Rep for you state that you think will vote in your states best interest.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


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My RANT!!!!!

Below is some guy named Clerk and below that is my reply. Yes I was a bit pissed off!

Dear Sirs,

I am writing to express my concern regarding your web site,, which for some reason calls on Our Leader to withdraw his nomination to the Supreme Court of Miss Miers. I hope it's not because you think Miss Miers is unqualified. Our Leader chose Miss Miers because of her impeccable credentials and demonstrated encyclopedic knowledge of Constitutional law. But there is so much more to Miss Miers than that. Our Leader placed so much trust in Miss Miers that one of her most important qualifications for this appointment was that for years she checked every piece of paper that crossed Our Leader's desk. If Our Leader can place that much trust in Miss Miers, we should put that same kind of trust in Him.

Like most American men, I don't like seeing women working outside of the home. I hope this is not your reason for opposing Miss Miers. We know Miss Miers is unmarried so it's not like she's neglecting her maternal duties. A few years ago when never married ladies of Miss Miers' age were nominated to serve the public in traditionally male roles, we naturally assumed they where homosexuals. Turns out, they were just democrats, which is basically the same thing. But now days, the homosexuals have advanced their agenda to the point where marriages are shams and they have probably recruited any potential suitor for Miss Miers into a life of sin anyway. So it's quite understandable why Miss Miers is unmarried and available to serve Our Country in this very important role.

We should not be swayed by the hatchet jobs in the traitorous liberal media, like this one Our Leader knows in his heart that Miss Miers believes the federal government has no authority to enact laws in regard to New Deal and Great Society initiatives like Social Security, Medicare, and the Fair Labor Act and that there is no "Right to Privacy" guaranteeing a woman's right to buy contraceptives or obtain an abortion. If that's good enough for Our Leader, it should be more than good enough for us. I think you will find that Miss Miers will be as tough on abortionists, homosexuals, and minorities as she was on grammatical errors during her tenure as White House Council.

So in conclusion, I ask for you to cease your outrageous calls on Our Leader to withdraw the nomination of Miss Miers. I feel Our Leader has a history of strong leadership, from capturing Ossma bin Laden to the response to Hurricane Katrina, and we should be following Him. Now that Miss Miers has been nominated the Senate must do their Constitutionally mandated work. As Sen. Hatch simply stated "The President and the American people have a right to an up or down vote on judicial nominees" and I would like you not to try and abridge my rights by advocating for the withdraw of this nomination before such a sacred vote takes place.

Thank you for your consideration.

Wow, you must a man of the Elderly.

One, Miers is too conservative, and a main reason he nominated her was due to her religious Stand point. Not based on the good of the country but the for the good of Bush.

Two, we have never captured Ossma bin Laden. but when we were going after him what the president did do was go after Saddam Hussein, Which he is a evil man for what he does to his own people. But that is not the reason Bush claimed to go over there. Which the Orginal reason was WMD, which there are none. I mean there are some nasty weapon in Iraq but not the one in the catagory of WMD.

Three, Katrina... It took the Government 5 day to assist with New Orleans. 5 days is took long for our own country. All beacuse we had to wait for the House and the President to come back from vacation. Before the went on vacation they knew someone was going to be hit with the storm. so they show have set a program aside to assist the American in need. We should not have to wait for someone to get off their ass to help someone. Everyone Dropped the ball on that one.

Four, tough on abortionists, homosexuals, and minorities. I am a Caucasian white straight male. I feel to each is there own. 1) Abortion, the law has no right in that aspect do to it is a medical. and if you want to take medical then how about lower insurance. 2) Homosexuals, Again the law has no right to tell people what they can and can not feel. Also who and who you can not marry. If it comes down to your religious stand. then how and about like the Bible God will be the Judge of your life, no human has the right to judge (if you follow any religious aspect). 3) Minorities, if you are legel or becoming legel then there is no problem with it. Due to the fact I am sure at some point and some line in your family you cam from another country. like my last name is Irish, which at one point was concider a minority culture, now we are just white. How about we are just American.

Thank you for your time and have a great day.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Town Upgrades!!!!

Here is an Idea I have about the Towns in Jefferson County.

We need to upgrade then and still keep the old town feel. For example in Charles Town, WV. Put store that everyone know and love and have an old style face to them. like and old style Sear or JC Penny's. like a branch of the store in the Mall in Martinsburg, WV.

In Shepherdstown, WV. We need more thing for 21 and up to do. Lets face it it is a college. and to bring people into the town and keep them there you need to give them a reason. So maybe put a couple Night Clubs (21 and up Dance clubs, not strip). on Route 45 torwards Martinsburg, WV. To were it is near the college. And also the youth need more interest. such as dance clubs (16-18), Arcades...ect. Not every Kid like History which is what the towns are full of. So put some instresting places for people to go, that are not just about History and you will have more people wanting to stay in the area.

Then if you catch the kids interest then you bring more jobs to the area. which would allow the schools to advance. And bring more interest for higher paying jobs.

See People are going to come due to the lower cost of housing and the New Route 9 being built. But the housing is costing to much for the locals to live in the area which is pushing them out. So we need to atract the interest of the company that pay the higher money to the area. to allow the locals to not be forced out.

What is everyones take on upgrading the towns?

No more Gold Fish Bowls in Rome, And make sure you Walk you Dogs!!

ROME (Reuters) - The city of Rome has banned goldfish bowls, which animal rights activists say are cruel, and has made regular dog-walks mandatory in the Italian capital, the town's council said Tuesday.

The classic spherical fish bowls are banned under a new by-law which also stops fish or other animals being given away as fairground prizes. It comes after a national law was passed to allow jail sentences for people who abandon cats or dogs.

"It's good to do whatever we can for our animals who in exchange for a little love fill our existence with their attention," said Monica Cirinna, the councilor behind the by-law.

"The civilization of a city can also be measured by this," she told Rome daily Il Messaggero.

The newspaper reported that round bowls caused fish to go blind. No one at Rome council was available to confirm this was why they were banned. Many fish experts say round bowls provide insufficient oxygen for fish.

In July 2004, parliament passed a law setting big fines and jail terms for people who abandon pets and since then local governments have added their own animal welfare rules many of which will be difficult to police.

The northern city of Turin passed a law in April to fine pet owners up to 500 euros if they do not walk their dogs at least three times a day.

The new Rome by-law requires owners to regularly exercise their dogs, and bans them from docking their pets' tails for aesthetic reasons.

It also provides legal recognition for cat lovers who provide food for the colonies of strays which live everywhere from the city's ancient Roman ruins to modern office car parks.

Animal rights groups estimate that around 150,000 pet dogs and 200,000 cats are abandoned in Italy every year.

.......OF THE DAY

Quote of the Day
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.
- Thomas Jefferson

Word of the Day
virago: an ill-tempered, overbearing woman; also, a woman of great strength and courage.

The Fog (2005)

The Fog, which is a remake. I never saw the orginal. But this one needed HELP.

Look is started out being good about a killing fog. and it made you jump at some good parts. Even made Jen yell "Oh, Shit". but then it got disapointing. like half way though the story it was like it got handed to a different writer and he forgot what the first one wrote. half way through it gave more of a background story of the fog. Which in a scary move is a bad Idea. giving a little is fine but not everything about it. then at the end the fog drags out the mayor (I think thats who it was), take him the the graveyard. they hand him the land deed that they were promised (back story...blah). then it catch on fire. which then I am like cool more killing. and Superman (don't know his name) and the chick from Lost saw this all take place in the graveyard. They start to head back to the townhall. the captian ghost (fog) sees her and she walks to him. and reaches out her hand and they hug and then kiss and she is turned into a ghost. Aparently what I think they were trying to say or do in the move is that she was the reincarnated form of the wife of the captian ghost from the ship (the ship that got burned and killed everyone on and that curse a bag which was opened and made the fog....blah). But they forgot to lead the viewer on to that. then it flashes to the day light and the townes people are not sure what exactly happened.


They could have mad 2 movies with that. One scarey like the begining and one mystery/adventure like the end part. They mixed the 2 very poorly. It was like they had the clmax in the begining of the movie and went down from there. Everyone knows to make a good move you put the climax at the end. Or you could have it in the middle.

All and all WAIT for the MOVIE to be on CABLE

Identity Crisis


That is a MUST read!!!

It is a hardcover comic book. About a serial killer, killing the JLA Heros close friends and familys. Starts out with elongated man (me is like mr fantastic = stretch), his wife gets murdered. Then a buch others, but I do not want to give the story away. but it really does show the the heros are just human, and the emotions that come along with them. Aparently there is a dark past. A supers wife was raped by a villian before. and there is a bunch of memory wipping out. A bunch of villians and a hero. it opens a violant story under tone.

BUT you have to read it!!!!!!

Sorry Arizona Sweet Tea!!!!!

Arizona Sweet Tea,

I am sooo sory my lovely Arizona Sweet Tea, I found a new lover Tradewinds Extra Sweet Tea. I will always love you, but Tradwinds hits my spot now. I think it would be great to keep the relationship as it is. with both of us. I just needed to tell you Arizona Sweet Tea, so you know that yes I have been sneaking around and buying Tradewinds Extra Sweet Tea, instead of you. but it was not my fault it all started cause Sheetz did not carry you so I had to move to a new tea. And this is the closest one to your love and I would like to like you know that it is really sweet and sorry you are to but I needed something new. Don't worry I will switch back and forth between you and tradwind. but for now I am at her house, I am sorry Arizona Sweet Tea.

Seen you soon my love,
Happy Tea Drinker

P.S. : Maybe we could have a 3some ;-)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

.......OF THE DAY

Quote of the Day
We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true.
-Robert Wilensky

Word of the Day
inchoate: partly but not fully in existence or operation.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Jefferson High School Alumni

It was drawn to my attention that the word needs to be spread about this SITE for Jefferson High School Class'

So get the word out and have the class' reunite!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Video of the pilot!!

Everybody Hates Chris!


Helping people like you cope...
one dimension at a time.

Does the world seem less flat than before? Do you find yourself unable to move in multiple directions? Do you know what depth perception is? You may have ADAD, or Third Dimensia. And you are not alone.

A new way to look at Google

Google X (like OS X on a MAC)
Google X
Google X 2
Google X Bar

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Think About IT

Remember when gas prices went over a dollar and people were in an uproar.

Now prices are well over two dollars, and people are just accepting the hikes.

We’re so used to gas prices increasing every day that $2.50 doesn’t bother us anymore, but it’s crap. We need to change our thinking about the prices and stop settling.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

iPods Threaten Wedding DJs

Digital technology is posing a challenge to wedding photographers as people seek to get around the prices they charge for reprints. But now their compatriots, wedding DJs, are under attack too, from MP3 players. Couples are increasingly not seeing the point of paying somebody to load up a playlist with songs when they can do the same thing themselves, and play exactly what they want. Professional DJs -- like photographers before -- say there's quite a difference between an amateur loading up an iPod and the services a pro DJ can provide, though the line here seems a lot more blurry than in the case of a photographer. Apparently the biggest problem is that people want to play their own favorite music rather than "songs people want to hear and that people want to dance to," says one DJ. She recommends playing songs like YMCA and Whip It. If that's professional advice, no wonder people are going the DIY route.

Drunk Drag Racing by mike kerns

2 players
a lot of beer (or drink of choice)
1 deck of cards

Lay the cards out - - - - like a road. cards in one lane and cards in the 2nd lane.
Go to the end of the table.

One person on each side of the table.

And Someone says GO!
must pick up each card in order they are layed

If card is a 2-9 you don't drink just keep driving.
If the card is 10-A you Drink.
10 = 1 drink
Jack = 2 drinks
Queen = 3 drinks
King = 4 drinks
Ace = 5 drinks

Winner is the first person to the other end.

Up and Down the River

2 decks of cards
6+ players

1. Everyone sits in a circle, one player is the dealer as well as a participant. Each player is dealt four cards face up, to be kept in front of that player.

2. The dealer then starts 'up the river' by turning over the first card.

a) Each player with the same card in front of him/her (suit doesn't matter), must take one drink.

b) If the person has more than one of the same card, it is a drink for each card.

3. The dealer then turns over the next card. Same thing, except this time it is two drinks. The next deal is three drinks, and the the last is four drinks.

4. After the fourth card, the dealer returns 'down the river' by dealing the next card on top of the fourth card dealt.

a) Players with matching cards now 'give' four drinks away in any combination; four to one player, or maybe one drink to four different players.

b) If the player has more than one of the same card; the player 'gives' drinks for each card.

5. The dealer continues back 'down the river' by dealing the next card on top of the third card dealt. This time players give three cards for each matching card. The next deal is a give of two drinks, and the last deal is a give of one drink.

6. After all the cards are dealt, simply shuffle and deal again. Lastly, the dealer starts turning over cards, while counting from 1 (ace) to 13 (king), if the count and the card turned over are equal in value then all players drink that many drinks.

7. Play continues until everyone is sick of the game, or sick from the beer.


Shuffle a full deck of cards and scatter them in a pile in the middle of your table.

1. Each player takes a turn at picking one card. They flip over their card, displaying it to everyone. Each card has a different rule as follows:

  • Ace - Take one drink
  • 2 - Take Two
  • 3 - Take Three
  • 4 - Questions: You look at the person of your choice and ask them a question, they must answer your question with a question and it keeps going until someone screws up. Ex. What is going on? Why do you touch yourself? You don't have to question the person who questioned you either. Make sure to make eye contact.
  • 5 - Give five drinks
  • 6 - I never. This is where the person who flipped the card says something they have never done and anyone who has must drink.
  • 7 - Thumbmaster: This person puts their thumb down on the table whenever they want and the last one to put theirs down drinks. The thumbmaster can do this as many times as he wants until the next seven is picked.
  • 8 - Categories: The first person gives a topic/category and in rotation, everyone else must give a kind. Ex: Toothpaste...Crest....Colgate.....Mentadent..etc.
  • 9 - Rhyme: Everyone must give a word that rhymes with yours. Ex:
  • 10 - Social: Everyone drinks.
  • Jack - Assholes drink...guys drink.
  • Queen - Bitches drink....girls drink.
  • King - Waterfall: This can be extremely hard, depending on your group of drinkers. It goes in order first being the one who picked the card and so on. The first person drinks as much beer as they can continuously and the 2nd person can't stop until they stop, the 3rd person can't stop until the 2nd person and so on. If you have big drinkers at the beginning, it is really difficult.
  • DC101 - The only Station that Rocks!

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    Monday, September 19, 2005

    Talk Like a Pirate Day - September 19

    Well, if you can't even trust a hitman..

    TOKYO (Reuters) - A Japanese woman called in the police after a hitman she paid to kill her lover's wife failed to carry out the job.

    The 32-year-old Tokyo woman was arrested Wednesday for incitement to murder, the Daily Yomiuri newspaper said Friday.

    The woman contacted a private detective through a Web site last November and paid him 1 million yen in cash to murder her love rival, the paper said.

    The 40-year-old detective accepted the money and suggested he could carry out the job by chasing the victim on a motorcycle and spraying her with a biological agent in a tunnel.

    Police also arrested the private detective and found the alleged target safe and well, the paper said."

    Friday, September 16, 2005

    OH yeah!! I got a Thank you!!

    New Domain Names!!

    Creating a red-light district on the Internet through a ".xxx" suffix.

    So now you will have a .com and a .xxx. because I doubt they will give up there .com address because that is where most of there ads are.

    But on the out hand it would clean up my search. like when I goto google. They should then be able to make a feature to block .xxx if you want to to better search for what you want.

    Also it seems to be good because now you will know your kids are searching for it instead of opp I ment to goto not

    Thursday, September 15, 2005

    Add a TV Tuner to a PC

    A more economical route to a desktop DVR is a hardware/software upgrade that adds a TV tuner, video encoder, and control applications to your current system. Many PCs will need to add a TV tuner card or module, which lets your system work with incoming TV signals from a coaxial cable or antenna. The popular ATI All-in-Wonder line includes the $200 9600 Pro PCI Express-based card and the $150 AIW 9600 AGP-based card. Both combine a powerful graphics accelerator, TV tuner, and video processor on a single card. They also come packed with the ATI Multimedia Center application suite, which includes everything you need to watch, pause, record, and schedule the capture of broadcast video.

    Don't want to scrap your current graphics card? You can install a PCI card like the $150 Happauge WinTV-PVR-350, which comes with hardware to accelerate video encoding and playback. Like the All-in-Wonder family, Hauppauge WinTV-PVR cards include software that lets you record digital content on your PC, and pack nifty DVR tricks like timeshifting.

    If you own a notebook PC or don't want to crack open the case to add a TV tuner, consider the $150 Happauge WinTV-PVR-USB2. About the size of a paperback book, this device plugs into your computer's USB 2.0 port on one side and a coaxial TV cable on the other. The built-in TV tuner and encoder hardware lets you work with and record the incoming video stream. Best of all, it's easy to move the device from one PC to another.

    Drawbacks: External devices like the Win-TV-USB2 and similar Pinnacle PCTV Deluxe can suffer from occasionally choppy video or lower video resolution. Moreover, the quality of software included with cards or modules can vary.

    Option 3: Install Software on a TV-Ready PC

    Already have TV tuning hardware handy? If so, consider installing software that can tap into that hardware and upgrade the media handling features of your current setup. Applications like SnapStream's $60 Beyond TV 3 expand on the usual watch-and-record features found in bundled software, offering the next best thing to a TiVo in your PC. In fact, Beyond TV 3 turns your PC into a media-streaming Web server, so that other devices on your local network--or even over the Internet--can play back compressed video captured on the hard drive. With its unique interface and powerful scheduling and recording options, it's a great fit for getting the most out of your current hardware.

    Drawbacks: Compatibility can be a question, particularly with older hardware that you might hope to "upgrade" using third-party software. Also, while Beyond TV 3 in particular is powerful and unique, the nonstandard interface may confound novice users. Some of the server-side features may also prove challenging to novices.

    After the Deed Is Done

    So now you've got a PC doing the duty of a DVR set-top box. What if you don't want a whirring, buzzing PC spinning away in your den or family room? A growing selection of "media extender" devices talk to media-capable PCs in order to display their output on TVs and stereos located across the room or across the house. For video playback, users connect the devices to their TVs using standard video connectors, then link to the PC over the home ethernet or Wi-Fi network. While wireless devices offer terrific flexibility, performance and setup, issues can stymie even battle-tested tech veterans.

    Windows Media Center Extenders offer a nice mix of features and ease of use, but they must be mated to a Media Center PC to perform their magic. Products like the $260 Linksys WMCE54AG Windows Media Center Extender come with a remote control and display the familiar Media Center screen interface. That makes the devices much easier to use. Most important, these adapters interact with the Media Center PC, so you can schedule a recording session for the PC from the media extender. Very slick.

    More generic media adapters (i.e., non-Media Center Extenders) do a lot of the same things, but they'll work with many networked, Windows XP-based PCs. The Netgear Model MP115 Wireless Digital Media Player, for instance, will detect media-capable PCs and let you view hard disk-based video, audio, and photos.

    Compatibility issues in the past made these devices quite frustrating, prompting Microsoft to launch its PlaysForSure logo campaign. Any device displaying this logo has been certified to run on PlayForSure-approved PCs and hardware. Like the Garanimal pajamas of my youth, even novice users should be able to mix and match PlaysForSure-compliant devices, and feel confident the combination will work.

    In the end, watching TV on a PC may not be enough to make someone convert his system into a desktop DVR (although in some circumstances--like mine--it makes perfect sense; see the accompanying article "Why TiVo Your PC?"). My editor likes to say, "I've got a nice comfortable couch in the family room. Why do I want to watch TV at my desk?"

    But even he admitted that the prospect of building his own DVR to avoid renting a new box and paying any extra money to his dreaded cable company (a sore spot with him) is worth all the manual-reading and trial-and-error he might have to put into it. Hey, I don't have anything personal against my cable company, but he could very well be right.

    Wednesday, September 14, 2005

    Bush's National Message Bush's National Message
    Giving the old 'one fingered' victory salute - Class !!!

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    Eminem's Kid

    Powered by Castpost
    A Leason to all: Don't put it in your mouth!

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    Spongebob Hemp Pantsjust funny

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    Office Partylooks like what would happen to me.

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    Indian girl weds lover's brother to beat the law

    NEW DELHI – An Indian college girl has temporarily married her teenaged boyfriend's elder brother so she can live in the same house as her lover until he is old enough to marry her, the Indian Express reported on Tuesday.

    Sneha Patel, 19, a resident of the western Indian state of Gujarat, was in love with Yash Kishan Parmar, also 19, and wanted to marry him despite her parents' opposition to the match, the newspaper said. But the legal age for marriage in India – 18 for girls and 21 for boys – put a spoke in their plans. Live-in relationships are not very popular in the tradition-bound country.

    Patel and Parmar eloped briefly but, not wanting to be on the run until Parmar was 21, Patel proposed that she would marry his elder brother and divorce him two years later.

    The elder brother even agreed to sign a contract saying he would divorce Patel after two years and treat her as his younger brother's wife until then, the newspaper said.

    Local Lix

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    Looks like I got Video on my PAGE!!!

    Dont touch my bone

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    Monday, September 12, 2005

    NES ReMAKE!!!

    Get out your old games!!!

    Only 1.5 Inches tall. Built in 2.4GHz Wireless. Dual Cartridge compatibility NES/FamiCom.


    Slim Sexy Design
    Built in 2.4GHz Wireless Support
    Dual Cartridge Slots NES/FamiCom
    Stereo and Dual Mono

    Includes One Wired Controller
    AV & AC Accessories

    Platform: NES (Nintendo Entertainment System®)
    Category: Console / Wireless
    Product: M1983

    When your childhood toys have become “retro” does that mean you are getting old?

    The fine folks at Messiah Entertainment have apparently stolen my very thoughts and created a gaming masterpiece. The Generation NEX Nintendo takes both NES and Famicom cartridges. The form factor is much more slim than either the original NES or Famicom. Then, as if allowing me to play NARC again in peace without having to blow into my cartridge and perform strange ritual sacrifice wasn’t enough, they have included 2.4gHz wireless for the controllers.

    I don’t normally get hyped up about rehashed game systems, but when a company takes a system that plays my favorite games of all time and makes it even better, I have to take notice.

    I’m off to go find all my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle games and see if I qualify for the Senior Citizen discount at Wal-Mart.

    Available from Messiah for $60 in September.

    One reason to say yes to lap dancing..

    LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - An angry San Diego topless dancer pulled out a knife and stabbed a customer after he refused a lap dance, police said on Thursday.

    Lawanda Dixon, 24, was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon shortly after the altercation with 33-year-old Melik Jordan at the Dream Girls Cabaret early on Wednesday, San Diego police Det. Gary Hassen said.

    "He was in the club with some friends watching the shows when she came up and asked if he wanted a lap dance," Hassen said. "He said no, she got upset about it, they argued back and forth. She pulled knife out of her bag and stabbed him."

    Dixon was taken into custody and police found methamphetamine in a small metal container in Dixon's bag, Hassen said, adding that she may face drug charges. Officers also confiscated a small folding knife.

    Jordan was treated for his injuries and released by a local hospital.

    Drunk woman dies in cemetery accident

    BRUSSELS (Reuters) - An inebriated Belgian woman died in a freak accident when she ended up beneath a heavy grave stone at a cemetery, local news agency Belga said Wednesday.

    The 33-year-old was on her way home from a bar in the Belgian town of Pulle in the early hours of Saturday when she took a short cut through the cemetery.

    But she urgently needed to relieve herself and crouched down between two gravestones. As she lost her balance, she grabbed one of the stones which gave way and landed on top of her.

    The public prosecutor's office said she died of suffocation as she was unable to lift the heavy stone.

    Gimme another shot of this beer..

    BERLIN (Reuters) - A German brewer has concocted what he says is the world's strongest beer, a potent drink with an alcohol content of 25.4 percent that is served in a shot glass.

    "Everyone who has tried it is enthusiastic. It tastes like a quirky mixture of beer and sherry," said Bavarian brewer Harald Schneider.

    Schneider, who lives in southern Germany where beer is a tradition, said his beer fermented for 12 weeks for an alcohol content twice that of Germany's other strongest beers.

    "People will only be able to drink two or three glasses, otherwise they'll drop like flies," he said.

    Schneider expects the holders of the world's strongest beer, the Boston Beer Company, to put up a fight.

    "I'm pretty sure the Americans have something up their sleeve."

    Thursday, September 08, 2005

    3 wishs - NO.5 part 1

    Spoiler (click to show)

    1) click on yellow or green cable above your cell (this will make you switch the cables).
    2) click on yourself. The alien will zap the blob by mistake. The blob turns into a stick.
    3) Grab the stick.
    4) Look for the area of the red cable (cable to the zap-lamp) where your cursor changes when you mouse over it. Click it. This will make you use the stick to readjust the zapper to point at the alien instead of the monkey.
    5) Tickle the monkey. The alien will zap itself. Your celldoor will open.
    6) Get the pen and click on yourself. You will draw yourself a third eye.
    7) Click on the door.

    The end

    Other actions (no effect on the outcome):
    - You can click on yourself before switching the cables to zap yourself.
    - You can click on the blob and get your foot almost bitten off.
    - You can tickle the monkey and get it zapped.
    - You can hit the monkey with the stick.
    - You can use the pen to draw on the alien's decapitated head (but you will return to do this anyways if you leave without doing it first).
    - You can try to get out after picking up the pen (but befoer drawing on yourself). The doors won't open.
    this is an audio post - click to play
    this is an audio post - click to play

    Tuesday, September 06, 2005

    This is for you Aaron and Nate......haha

    I just cranking up some work.....


    Well I got a new Tattoo. My baby and I got matching one. mine is a evil one and hers is a good I will get pics to show you. Jen drew them up and the the tattoo artist re drew them and changed them for what we like.

    Thursday, September 01, 2005

    For get CARS

    Forget cars. and battery cars......ect.

    I am going back to the olden day I am going to get a horse and buggie!!!

    A lot cheaper then gas!!

    what the hell is wrong with people!!!

    Gas Prices!!!!!

    What the Hell!!! 2.99 in WV. and soon to be upto 4 by this weekend. which this means cost of living will go up.

    I paid $2.99 this morning. $33 for 11 gallons


    Wednesday, August 31, 2005

    OK Go - “A Million Ways” Dance

    OK Go - “A Million Ways” Dance

    I Pimped Your Ride, and Your Sister

    Ever since Aaron was poisoned, Mtv has been begging to put his house on
    "Cribs". But since Aaron lives in a heavily fortified bunker in Caracas, they decided to pass. So, they came crawling to me, the sweet Sister who happens to be second in command.

    I love Mtv Cribs because it lets regular people see how sad and desperate their lives are. They get to see mansions and wealth they will never achieve. I've always felt Mtv should do a show where they go to the slums of Cite Soleil, Mumbai, and Bangalore. That way people could feel good about their crappy rundown homes.
    But I digress.

    When the Mtv crew came to my house I was hoping they would send superstar VJ John Sencio. But apparently he's moved on to infomercials selling food rehydrators, and transvestite workout tapes. I'm just kidding. He actually works in my stable, and no I don't own any horses.

    Instead, Mtv sent one of those new darling, interchangeable hosts of
    indeterminate age, sex, and national origin. They were very sweet but
    overly hip. After the third unwarranted use of the term "crunked", I ended up beating him/her to death with a tire iron. I don't know if they'll show it in the episode because just as I landed the killing blow, my boob slipped out of my halter top. We all had a good laugh.

    My house is kind of like the Playboy mansion, but with hotter chicks. And unlike Hef, I don't need to be lead by the hand around the grounds in a stupor. I also don't spend my days drooling, dressed in a tattered bathrobe loosely slung over a pair of soiled Depends. I don't allow girls with breast implants on my property. If they wander on, their implants are forcibly removed and nailed to the wall as a warning to the next bimbo.When they show this wall on '"Cribs" it's so covered with implants, it looks like a sheet of bubble wrap.

    The tour of the kitchen is unremarkable since my fridge is almost empty. That's because I prefer to have all of my food prepared fresh.
    Specifically, I want to watch it die before I eat it. Nothing makes a meal more memorable than thinking about that moment, the look on the animal's face as the cold blade touches their neck for the first time.
    Never has a piece of veal tasted so sweet. I love my eggs really fresh, so my staff has to try and coax the hens to lay while dangling them over a pot of boiling water. Sometimes I end up with hardboiled eggs, and sometimes it turns out to be chicken soup. Either way it's hard to beat.

    The Mtv crew was surprised I didn't have bottles of Cristal in my fridge, but suitably impressed that I do use it in my bidet. We filmed a lot of footage in my bedroom which apparently can only be legally broadcast in Thailand. I guess they were disappointed by my garage and my 1989 Ford Escort, in spite of the horn which plays, "When The Levee Breaks" and the fact that it sports a killer set of rims.

    In the end, they offered me my own reality show but I think I'm going to pass. They thought it would be funny to show the kids getting off the buses at my slave labor factories and realizing their trip wasn't really sponsored by the Fresh Air fund.

    I do want to do an episode of Punk'd that will feature Ashton Kutcher
    sucking off Diddy for a gram of coke, while Demi is lead around in just
    heels and a dog collar to service his posse. I know it doesn't sound like much of a prank, but I already have the footage so it seems like a shame not to use it?

    Tuesday, August 30, 2005

    Movie Review

    - Crimson Rivers -

    It did have some cool part, by there was 2 cops working two different cases, but they end up being connected. 1 working a grave graffiti and breaking/entering into a kids school in the records. and the other Cop played by Jean Reno (Léon: The Professional). He is working a murder, an odd murder. the guy was hanging from a cliff 75 feet in the air in the fetal position.

    Movie was weird and a confusing story. All and all not that good. has some interesting parts but it was not worth to see the movie.

    Monday, August 29, 2005

    A post from MS Word

    A post from MS Word….. Test

    Chugworth Academy

    #140: A Match Made in Heaven

    Movie Theaters listings 8/29/05

    Regal (Hoyts) Cinemas Martinsburg 10
    The Brothers Grimm
    Wedding Crashers
    The Cave
    Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo
    The Dukes of Hazzard
    The Skeleton Key
    March of the Penguins
    The 40 Year-Old Virgin
    Four Brothers
    Red Eye
    Supercross: The Movie

    Berkeley Plaza Theatre
    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
    Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo
    The Dukes of Hazzard
    Sky High
    Four Brothers
    Red Eye

    New Rentails

    The Movies I rented from Blockbuster. The days they should be in.
    Lot Like Love - 8/30/05
    Crimson Rivers - 8/30/05
    Black Cadillac - 9/1/05

    New DVD Releases
    Monster-in-Law (PG-13)
    Sahara (PG-13)
    Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior (R)

    Stuff Sucks