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Friday, December 16, 2005

Wow! 15 Richest Fictional characters!

Wow, now Forbes puts out the 15 Richest Fictional characters.

No, I feel like shit even fictional characters are better off then myself.

"But given the legion of publicity men and image handlers surrounding the typical real-life billionaires, understanding these fictitious characters is as close as most of us will come to grasping the minds of the very rich. "

that to me is say hey you are to poor and stupid to really understand the rich so here is some fictional
characters to look up to.

Rank Name Net Worth
1. Santa Claus $ ∞
2. Richie Rich 24.7 billion
3. Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks 10 billion
4. Scrooge McDuck 8.2 billion
5. Thurston Howell III 8 billion
6. Willie Wonka 8 billion
7. Bruce Wayne 6.3 billion
8. Lex Luthor 4.7 billion
9. J.R. Ewing 2.8 billion
10. Auric Goldfinger 1.2 billion
11. C. Montgomery Burns 1 billion
12. Charles Foster Kane 1 billion
13. Cruella De Vil 875 million
14. Gordon Gekko 650 million
15. Jay Gatsby 600 million

Thursday, December 15, 2005


See there is a reason why some people would need the pills due to lack of sleep. And that is due to Cost of living. At least in this area, you need 2 or 3 incomes just to get buy. Due to Prices of food, Gas, Taxes, Cost of a car, And the Cost to buy a house. Where I work at poeple have apartments that cost 2,000 a month. And Townhouses that cost 300,000 to 400,000 starting out. How in the world could anyone going to college or comming out of High School adford that. Now where I live prices are a little better but that themselves are goin up as well.

See we need to start raising Hell about the prices or they will never hear us. All they see is everyone is paying their bills and a few at not doing it on time. But what they don't see is how people struggle just to get buy. And how they many have 2 or 3 imcomes to adford that home. And how no matter what we still buy the high price gas. Yet, they do not see or sometimes care that we need the gas no matter what to get to and from work to pay for our over priced home and over priced car.

Sometime we are going to have to hit a cap. and people just wont be able to adford to move out of their parent's home. And so you will have kids living and growing with there parents and not expand and created new lives for themselves.

A Quote about Ephedra (Ma Haung)

Ephedra (Ma Haung) - is an herb used to assist people with azma for their breathing. The Diet/Engery pill makers started putting it in their pills to give you an Extra Boost. Yellow Jacket were a popular one that you could buy at most gas stations. Which had 25mg of Ephedra mixed with 300-400mg of caffeine. And with people take more then what their bodies could handle and not drinking enough water. They would pass out and with a rapid heart rate a few died. Due to an unknown heart conduction. Also basicly they OD on them. In Jan. of 2005 they made the Herb Ephedra illegel. Which in turn made those who do not adbuse the pills upset due to you will always have drug that some people will die from if you OD. Just about any pill (over the counter drug/preception drug/herb) there is alway a chance you could die if you take to many. But here is a Quote from someone who took it to get to work/college/home.


Thanks a lot you stupid bastards who got ephedra banned. If you are too stupid to read the directions on the back of the bottle you are obviously too damn stupid to be taking ephedra in the first place. What kind of a dumb bastard takes THREE YELLOW JACKETS. These things are meant for people who need them to stay awake or an energy boost for peaple that are physically active, NOT for some of YOU STUPID IDIOTS who take 75mg of ephedra mixed with 900mg of caffeine just because you like the rush. If I die in a car accident on the way to college from work because I got no sleep the day before and now have no ephedra to keep me awake IT'S YOUR FAULT FOR GETTING IT BANNED!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Monday, December 05, 2005

Friday, December 02, 2005

New Engery Drinks!!

Bush gets jury duty call, says he is busy

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush had to explain that he was a little busy running the United States when he got called for jury duty.

Bush never received the summons to appear at a court in Crawford, Texas, for jury duty on Monday and the White House learned about it through media reports, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said on Thursday.

"We have since called the court to inform them that the president has other commitments on Monday, and that he would like to reschedule his jury duty," McClellan said.

Last week, the man Bush beat to get re-elected last year, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, served as foreman on a jury for two days at a civil case in Boston.

Bush, whose ranch is in Crawford, is scheduled to give a speech in North Carolina on Monday.

"One serious note: jury duty is an important civic responsibility. And it's important that people do serve," McClellan said

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Urban Dictionary: Word Of The DAY!

Baby!!! at 12-13 weeks

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