Look we live in a world were a President can lie to his people and the people not think anything of it.
Like how they CLAIM that we went to war with IRAQ cause of that Weapons of Mass Distruction. But now we are there cause they HATE us and are mean to their people.
MAYBE they have a reason to hate USA. and what could that reason be? Would don't we find out why people hate instead of forcing our culture and believes on others. Maybe that is the reason they do not like us and this war is just going to make more Enemies.
But yet when been over there for a while now and not once have we found any. Maybe they have them but are hinding them really really well...
But who are we to judge who has WMD's when in fact we have the 2 most in the world of Nukes.
As we are going to spend billions of dollars on a new nuke bunker buster for Terrorist. But yet we can tell another country that they are NOT ALLOWED to use nuke power for engery.
And we did the USA go in to IRAQ with out the UN support. The UN was made up to Police the world NOT the USA.
******OK I am done for now. Not fired up anymore about this topic (at this point in time). Now it is time to get back to work.
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