Below is some guy named Clerk and below that is my reply. Yes I was a bit pissed off!
Dear Sirs,
I am writing to express my concern regarding your web site,, which for some reason calls on Our Leader to withdraw his nomination to the Supreme Court of Miss Miers. I hope it's not because you think Miss Miers is unqualified. Our Leader chose Miss Miers because of her impeccable credentials and demonstrated encyclopedic knowledge of Constitutional law. But there is so much more to Miss Miers than that. Our Leader placed so much trust in Miss Miers that one of her most important qualifications for this appointment was that for years she checked every piece of paper that crossed Our Leader's desk. If Our Leader can place that much trust in Miss Miers, we should put that same kind of trust in Him.
Like most American men, I don't like seeing women working outside of the home. I hope this is not your reason for opposing Miss Miers. We know Miss Miers is unmarried so it's not like she's neglecting her maternal duties. A few years ago when never married ladies of Miss Miers' age were nominated to serve the public in traditionally male roles, we naturally assumed they where homosexuals. Turns out, they were just democrats, which is basically the same thing. But now days, the homosexuals have advanced their agenda to the point where marriages are shams and they have probably recruited any potential suitor for Miss Miers into a life of sin anyway. So it's quite understandable why Miss Miers is unmarried and available to serve Our Country in this very important role.
We should not be swayed by the hatchet jobs in the traitorous liberal media, like this one Our Leader knows in his heart that Miss Miers believes the federal government has no authority to enact laws in regard to New Deal and Great Society initiatives like Social Security, Medicare, and the Fair Labor Act and that there is no "Right to Privacy" guaranteeing a woman's right to buy contraceptives or obtain an abortion. If that's good enough for Our Leader, it should be more than good enough for us. I think you will find that Miss Miers will be as tough on abortionists, homosexuals, and minorities as she was on grammatical errors during her tenure as White House Council.
So in conclusion, I ask for you to cease your outrageous calls on Our Leader to withdraw the nomination of Miss Miers. I feel Our Leader has a history of strong leadership, from capturing Ossma bin Laden to the response to Hurricane Katrina, and we should be following Him. Now that Miss Miers has been nominated the Senate must do their Constitutionally mandated work. As Sen. Hatch simply stated "The President and the American people have a right to an up or down vote on judicial nominees" and I would like you not to try and abridge my rights by advocating for the withdraw of this nomination before such a sacred vote takes place.
Thank you for your consideration.
Wow, you must a man of the Elderly.
One, Miers is too conservative, and a main reason he nominated her was due to her religious Stand point. Not based on the good of the country but the for the good of Bush.
Two, we have never captured Ossma bin Laden. but when we were going after him what the president did do was go after Saddam Hussein, Which he is a evil man for what he does to his own people. But that is not the reason Bush claimed to go over there. Which the Orginal reason was WMD, which there are none. I mean there are some nasty weapon in Iraq but not the one in the catagory of WMD.
Three, Katrina... It took the Government 5 day to assist with New Orleans. 5 days is took long for our own country. All beacuse we had to wait for the House and the President to come back from vacation. Before the went on vacation they knew someone was going to be hit with the storm. so they show have set a program aside to assist the American in need. We should not have to wait for someone to get off their ass to help someone. Everyone Dropped the ball on that one.
Four, tough on abortionists, homosexuals, and minorities. I am a Caucasian white straight male. I feel to each is there own. 1) Abortion, the law has no right in that aspect do to it is a medical. and if you want to take medical then how about lower insurance. 2) Homosexuals, Again the law has no right to tell people what they can and can not feel. Also who and who you can not marry. If it comes down to your religious stand. then how and about like the Bible God will be the Judge of your life, no human has the right to judge (if you follow any religious aspect). 3) Minorities, if you are legel or becoming legel then there is no problem with it. Due to the fact I am sure at some point and some line in your family you cam from another country. like my last name is Irish, which at one point was concider a minority culture, now we are just white. How about we are just American.
Thank you for your time and have a great day.
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